What does “indie” mean
After briefly addressing some technical, practical, and legal issues, let’s dive into the core topic. If you’re reading this, you’re probably an “indie” developer, as we’ve come to call ourselves for some time, unless you work for a large multinational company. Perhaps, like me, you are simply a hobbyist who, armed with nothing more than […]
We don’t sell ghosts
When I started writing this article, I primarily had in mind micro-indie developers: the other categories don’t need it, because they should already be familiar with everything covered here. So, I am addressing what I imagine to be the typical reader of such a text: an artist and/or programmer on the verge of their first […]
Divide and Conquer
If we were to follow the advice of most people involved in this peculiar world of game development, one of the surefire strategies would be to publish your game on as many stores as possible, if only to increase visibility. Another potential winning move would be to make the most of the free APIs provided […]
Bad Languages
One of the most pressing issues for a solo developer is the language barrier. It’s undeniable that everyone prefers a video game translated into their native language. You can speak all the foreign languages you want, but your own will always hold a special place. Moreover, it seems that the algorithms used by stores to […]
Price matters little
One of the key issues you’ll need to address is determining the selling price of your game. You’ll quickly find that most indie games are priced very low. The reasoning behind this is simple: many developers believe that lower prices can lead to what we might call “impulse sales”—players buying the game simply because it’s […]
You need marketing
How many times have you heard it? Yes, it’s true: marketing is essential and works all too well. But first, what are we talking about? Essentially, it’s about strategies and activities aimed at promoting a product, service, or brand, with the goal of creating value for customers and generating profit. The point I want to […]
You want a publisher
In the previous article, we established that marketing isn’t as simple as many might believe—it requires a range of skills that can’t be learned overnight. So, you might be tempted to outsource it, essentially paying someone to handle it on your behalf. Unfortunately, because effective marketing requires expertise, it can be quite costly, often involving […]
Passion role
It’s astonishing to wake up one day and realize you’re surrounded by people who don’t understand—perhaps not yet—what passion truly is. Passion isn’t just a casual interest but something much deeper and more powerful. An interest is simply something we enjoy, something that engages our senses. It’s a source of pleasure from which, given the […]