Update history

For informational purposes only, this page contains the update history starting from Pinbot’s initial release.

Date Version TitleNotes
Apr 20241.2.3A better control of game devices. It has been improved in mouse and game controller control.
Apr 20241.2.2A small problem with record tables.A small problem with table of records was found and fixed. This upgrade will be published in bundle with 1.2.1.
Apr 20241.2.1The internal format of the videos has been changed.
Solved a bug related to mouse use.
The internal format of the videos has been changed from WebM to Theora. WebM is a widely used format, but it seems to have serious compatibility issues. The Godot team has decided not to adopt the WebM format in Godot 4 due to the numerous bugs it suffers from.
A bug related to using mouse in gameplay, introduced with previous version, was solved.
Apr 20241.2.0Added game controller support. Solved some TDR problems.The support for game controllers has been added, in response to a request from users. At the same time, efforts have been made to address the TDR issue related to the Microsoft Windows operating system, by working on textures, audio files for sound effects and the Autotune algorithm.
The autotune has been disabled by default as it was found to be the cause of some otherwise inexplicable crashes.
Feb 20241.1.8Improvements regarding particles systemRevised particle systems to improve overall game performance.
Feb 20241.1.6Stability improvementSome interventions aimed at increasing the stability of the game. Stress tests were carried out for 24 hours without finding any blocking and/or crash problems.
Feb 20241.1.5Some threading problem solvedFixed some issues related to the use of threading with Godot, trying to work around some known bugs related to unexpected crashes.
Made minor changes, such as introducing the warning for “loud sounds and strobe lights”.
Feb 20241.1.2General improvementChanges to the memory slot system: 
hiding the number of rooms makes no sense, given that the player must complete an entire level to access the storage;
removed the possibility of creating a slot during the first level, since it did not bring any benefit (we would have always started from the beginning anyway);
Gameplay improvements regarding the type and quantity of power-ups provided during the game.
Feb 20241.1.1Sync issues have arisen with some videos.A bug has been resolved where some transition videos between levels were not displayed due to excessively short buffering times, resulting in them being played before their loading was complete.
Feb 20241.1.0Improvements regarding localizationThe game is currently only available in English and Italian, but it is now prepared to be fully translatable into any language. Subtitles have been applied to all game videos.